Compassion Topped with Are You Freaking Kidding Me?
Survivor 46 (episode 12), we should probably talk
Survivor again highlights how incredibly compassionate moments can take place on such a grueling (and the best) reality TV show. Survivor 46 episode 12 brings us the incredible duo of Kenzie and Ben. Despite Ben having a bit of a “brain freeze” at the previous tribal council when he meant to vote for Venus, but voted for Kenzie, quickly sat with her to explain how he messed up.
Ben then has a panic attack and Kenzie does her best to help him through it. Talking at the camp, going for a walk, she selflessly pushes the game aside to make sure he is okay; “I could never let someone go through something so scary alone.” It’s such a wonderful example of kindness we need to see in the world. I cannot help but feel grateful to see it happen.
“So, every night, I just hold his hand, and we breathe together, and if he needs to talk it out and laugh, we do that. If he needs to just, like walk around, like, I go with him to do that because Ben can’t help that he has anxiety attacks. But what I can do is be there for someone who needs someone. And I don’t care that he literally wrote my name down. I could never let someone go through something so scary alone. That’s not who I am. Time will pass, and the sun will shine, and blue skies are coming. But just be with him through the storm, you know?” – Kenzie Petty
And the playful banter afterwards, joking about Ben putting her name down the next day is a wonderful reminder of the friendship that has formed on that island.
Survivor 46 Episode 12: Ally or Target
In the grand scheme of things, Maria and Charlie have been possibly the tightest duo of the season. In this episode, the longtime allies openly target each other. They both discuss in confessionals that they’re not sure the other person would ever target the other, while also recognizing the amazing bond they’ve created during the season.
It’s tremendously satisfying and encouraging to see such a sincere relationship form on Survivor, because it presents an honest friendship in the face of constant uncertainty. If you (or I) were to ever play the game, you can only hope to find that kind of connection where you can depend on someone for the majority of the season.
That’s what Maria and Charlie have meant to each other and they openly had a conversation about being friends beyond the game in this episode. Maria even mentioned wanting her kids to meet “Uncle Charlie.” So, seeing them talk about their friendship and then seeing them plot against the other is a pleasant side of Survivor devilry I’m here for.
Why – Why – Why – Why – Why – WHY?!?!?!?!?!
I was ready to continue this article talking about the wonderful friendships and the amazing gameplay, but we are now looking at four tribal councils in a row with a player in possession of a hidden immunity idol. The last three episodes included a blindside of said person with an idol and there was another voted out with an idol earlier in the season.
So, Q finds an idol and he tells Maria he’ll play it for her if he wins immunity, or he’ll play it for himself if he doesn’t win. This is what we want to hear and see, right? We want a person to make a correct call. Yes, Charlie targeted Maria, but she won individual immunity. Yes, Maria is targeting Charlie and we don’t want to see him go home either. Q has also been great for the show. But, and a big but, seeing a correct idol play would be a breath of fresh air.
Unfortunately, players were very convincing and left Maria and Q somewhat comfortable as they plan to vote out Charlie. Would Q play his idol? Well, they actually showed “every single Survivor vote” on air, which is a very rare thing. The only thing to discover would be if he plays the idol or not. Well, of course he did not play it.
What in the world is going on in Survivor 46?
It is a season full of massive blindsides where people have felt so comfortable where they refuse to play their idols. It is a monumental season of lulling others into a false sense of security – and it’s happened FIVE times this season. Not only do I wonder when it will happen again, it seems almost certain to happen next week even though the last time an idol can be played is at the final five – and next week is the final five!
To use a word to once again describe Survivor 46, bonkers is that word. Survivor 46 episode 12, the last episode, the one before that, and the one before that have been bonkers. The stress of watching the votes being cast was palpable and I am almost grateful for it to be impossible for it to happen again. It can’t happen again next week – right? Right?